Narendra, what does all this matter anyway?!
Are you trying to just concentrate on let's say 65% of all topics, and then you hope to get 100% in these topics, or let's say you concentrate on only 80% and hope with some wrong answers you will receive at least 65%?!
Such a way of thinking / studying....... in my humble opinion isn't the smartest! You must know EVERYTHING - you're doing the exam for the knowledge, right?!
Anyway - so Bert says I am not completly right, but I am still sure that there will be some questions on each topic, just like Bert also stated - if it was completly random, that wouldn't make sense either.
Last but not least, I still believe some topics will get more questions than others, first because they might be more important than others, second because some topics are quite easy / less extensive than others.
Finally, the way I interpreted the division of number of questions / topic still does make sense to me, if you look at it like this:
7 Generics and Collections 12% 9
9 Threads 12% 9
5 Flow Control, Exceptions, Assertions 12% 9
6 Strings, IO, Formatting, Parsing 11% 8
2 Object Orientation 11% 8
3 Assignments 10% 7
8 Inner Classes 9% 6
10 Development 9% 6
4 Operators 7% 5
1 Declarations and Access Control 7% 5
Generics and Threads are the most advanced topic, and the topics were you see the difference between a GOOD programmer and a bad one. Consequently, these topics should be tested the most (and / or studied the most), and I am sure they will be.
Anyway, you must know ALL topics for the exam, and I will not do the exam before I know for sure I know EVERYTHING of EVERY chapter.
There are 72 questions spread across 37 objectives, so that means you'll get about 1.9459 questions / objective. Seriously, I think that on average most people get a couple of questions on each objective - it might vary a little, but it won't vary a lot.
1.9459 = 2. And 2 is a couple! ;-)
[ November 04, 2008: Message edited by: Marcus Moreno ]