I'm going to just copy/paste this reply by Henry again as it is essentially the same problem.
Originally posted by Henry Wong:
Here is a concrete example. Supposed that you have this...
This is allowed -- even though C does not implement the interface I. The compiler only knows it as the class type B, and it is theortically possible for a new class, say D, to subclass B, and implement I.
This is *not* allowed. The compiler knows it as the class type C, and since class type C is a final class, it is not possible for a new class, say E, to subclass C, and implement I.
This answer was dealing with the final modifier but it gives a good explanation of what the compiler is looking at. In your example though A does not implement I so it throws a CastcastException at run time. At line 10 there is no way you could subclass D and also subclass A so the compiler complains because it knows at compile time that it's impossible. Hope that made any since.