When I am reading the book "Beginning EJB3 Application Development", I write an entity to taste the composite primary key.
package com.mellon.jpa;
public class MEnergy implements Serializable {
String year;
private String month;
private double energy;
public MEnergy(){}
public MEnergy(String year, String month, double value){
this.year = year;
this.month = month;
this.energy = value;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {... }
public int hashCode() {... }
As the above, I did not offer a composite key class and just annotated the year and month field with @Id, but that works. A table named MEnergy was created:
NAME TYPE Nullable
and the YEAR,MONTH are defined as composited key.
I supposed my code doesn't finished yet and doesn't conform to the specification, can anybody help me to figure it out?