SCJP 6.0 - 88%, SCWCD 5 - 79%, SCJA - 96%, SCSNI - 68%, SCBCD 5 - 95%
SCJP 6.0 - 88%, SCWCD 5 - 79%, SCJA - 96%, SCSNI - 68%, SCBCD 5 - 95%
|Asking Good Questions|
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
I would appreciate if instead focusing operability with .Net the exam focused interoperability with generic non-java webservices... REWORK THESE 10.4 AND 10.5 OBJECTIVES! - Coming soon!
SCJP 6.0 - 88%, SCWCD 5 - 79%, SCJA - 96%, SCSNI - 68%, SCBCD 5 - 95%
Originally posted by Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva:
I understand the need for interoperability with non-java webservices, however non-java != .net. There are webservices in lots of languages, including perl, ruby and python. However, the test failed to focus interoperability with non-java webservices focusing instead interoperability specifically with .Net.
===Vyas Sanzgiri===
My Blog
Originally posted by Vyas Sanzgiri:
I feel the objectives are in no way reflect the practical difficulties faced.
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