Although i have temporarily managed by converting the rtf file to zip and send the zipped file to browser but i still need the rtf file to be converted to
doc file through java api or require a tool which allows creation of word reports.
it is still taking long time to generate report
earlier i was creating [big rtf file] using iText.jar and writing its contents to response.getOutputStream() from the memory
now i am creating [big rtf file] to hard disk+reading [big rtf file] from hardisk adding it to zip file and writing zip file to response.getOutputStream()
total time was = [time to generate big report file]+[download time of unzipped file]
now time is=[time to generate big report file]+[time to read big report file into zipped file]+[download time of unipped file] .
[ March 04, 2008: Message edited by: Subha Garg ]