posted 16 years ago
"Update" will pull changes from the repository and merge them into your existing files. As long as the changes aren't too drastic, this will happen automatically, and you'll end up with files containing the most up-to-date files plus your local changes. If they're too drastic, you'll get merge errors, and the files will contain 'alternate sections' -- basically a tag followed by your version of the conflict area, followed by a tag, followed by the repository version, followed by a closing tag. You would then have to edit the file to resolve the conflict.
Synchronize will do the above, then commit any modified files back to the repository.
In neither case will your local changes be lost. This is the whole point of using a source control system.
All of this is pure Subversion stuff, by the way; IntelliJ isn't doing anything special other than giving you access to Subversion commands.