Hi to all!! I�m working in a table where at the load of the web must show a table but like i�m using this property :style="visibility:hidden, it�s giving some problems becasue shows the cell spaces but it should not do that.
Just copy/paste in this link if don�t want to open your html editor:http://htmledit.squarefree.com/
Your HTML markup is invalid. You really should run it through a validator.
The cell will still take up room because the row before it has three columns. Only way you can make it go away is you have to add a col span to the second column.
Eric [ November 28, 2008: Message edited by: Eric Pascarello ]
Originally posted by Eric Pascarello: Your HTML markup is invalid. You really should run it through a validator.
The cell will still take up room because the row before it has three columns. Only way you can make it go away is you have to add a col span to the second column.
[ November 28, 2008: Message edited by: Eric Pascarello ]
Do you refer to put the two radio buttons in one cell and the select inputs in the other cell ?