Hello guys i need your help
i am rookie about internationalization, well i read the chapter 11 of
Struts in Action
and i am using Struts 1.2.9, and updating the old code example of the book to my version
well i create a simple ActionForm with only one variable
and an Action class doing only this
jsp file only have these 2 fields
well by default i have my system in spanish (i live in southamerica)
and i use this 2 properties files ApplicationResources_es.properties and ApplicationResources_en.properties
and in my struts-config.xml
well its all related with my configuration
the problem is this, when i started up my
tomcat 5.5.9 by first time (with this new configuration for internationalization)
, well the default language was in spanish of course and when i make or change the language to english in the simple form, works!
but if want back to spanish, well dont work any more, why? , inclusive if re start the server,
erase the private data (cookies etc etc) of the browser , or restart the pc, always still in english
the properties of idioms or language of the browser (firefox and opera) still have how first option spanish
how i can fix this???
remember i am rookie only with this topic of internationalization
thanks so much for advanced