Error 503--Service Unavailable
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Parsing error processing resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
Originally posted by Sagar Rohankar:
Problem may be in your struts-config.xml , validate it and try . Still problem persist , post your struts-config.xml file here !!
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Originally posted by Raghavan Muthu:
Is your "struts-config.xml" file is under "WEB-INF" folder?
<action path="/Success" forward="/rep/Success.jsp"/>
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
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Originally posted by Raghavan Muthu:
Yes, that is true. It might be the case with validating the xml file against the DTD or Schema.
Can you paste your web.xml and struts-config.xml files here? It means the complete contents !
Consultant, Sima Solutions
Originally posted by Merrill Higginson:
You will need the following at the beginning of your struts-config.xml file:
This is assuming you are using some variation of Struts 1.3. Otherwise, substitute the appropriate DTD.
My advice is to unzip the struts-blank-1.3.8.war file that comes with the download and use that as the basis for your struts project. This will help you to avoid a lot of simple configuration mistakes.
[ May 21, 2008: Message edited by: Merrill Higginson ]
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
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