There are a lot of components to your question. To Retrieve the data from your db really isn't a struts issue, its done the same as with any other application running on a
J2EE server. Set up the datasource on your server and use
jdbc to handle your query. There are some other tools out there to help you handle the database transactions but I'm not too familiar with them.
As far as passing the action to the JSP goes, all you need to do is take the data you've retrieved from your DB and store it in properties of your action class (with correctly named getter and setter methods to access it). Once in your JSP you'll just need to specify the name of the property of your action class that you want to display in the the struts2 tag. Take a look at:
struts2 action example for examples on coding the action class and
tag API for examples of how to use the tags.