IncludeAction: include the specified URL into current
JSP page,It is
just similar to <jsp:include page ="resource"> , & you can include one more no of resource into the current Jsp page.
2.All jsp include are contributed in dispaying view.
3. RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("path of jsp ");
rd.include(request , response);
internally it does this fuction
ForwardAction : 1.It is mechanism of forwarding the request to specified URL resources (i.e jsp page)
ex : 2.two.jsp page is included into one.jsp only two.jsp page contenet are contributed in dispaying a view.
3. RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("path of jsp ");
rd.forward(request , response);
internally it does this fuction
if you need example , than i will send for you my friend.
By Vinodkumar Beli from Gulbarga