I tried using J2EE, and even got paid for it a while, and hated it.
I've just switched to Netbeans 6.1 (years of 5.x use) and it wants to use Struts or Faces, or other frameworks.
I looked at Struts, and it seems to be a lot of stuff just to implement a Finite State Machine.
I don't even know the terminology...
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Not sure how you hated J2EE but prefer Servlets. Servlets are part of the JEE spec.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
if you want simple, check out my Front Man "framework". It's just a front controller that takes care of command dispatching and stays out of your way for everything else.
Front Controller, whatever it is?
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
just do a little digging on Google (and by digging I mean type Front Controller in the search field) and learn the terminology. That is at least a start.
Until you know some of the terminology I don't think anyone can "sale" you on frameworks, which to me, is what you are wanting.
need something more meaningful and less self referential.
Originally posted by Will Hartung:
For many, frameworks are a solution to a problem.
If you don't have that problem, a framework may not help you.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Pat, you sound a bit flustered. I think you might need to take a deep breath and start again.It might help if you ask specific questions. What do you mean by
Originally posted by Pat Farrell:
If using a framework is valuable, I'll use one. If its just a bunch of theoretical benefits (which is what I think of the full J2EE stuff is) than I'll keep doing it the old way.
Comparing one framework to another doesn't help, it assumes that you start with a framework. Why do I want one?
Or, perhaps the frame work that I have used for a decade is "none" and Bear says his Frontman is not much more than none.
But I lack the understanding of what they claim to do to ask smarter questions.
Frederic Daoud
Author, Stripes...and Java Web Development is Fun Again
Stripes book
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:Did you read the article?
Frederic Daoud
Author, Stripes...and Java Web Development is Fun Again
Stripes book
~Currently preparing for SCJP6
An example is not an answer. So far, I'm not getting answers that I can use.Originally posted by M Rama:
the question is too generic and the answer too simple.
The answer is, unless you learn them and understand to use them right, you won't know what they are solving.[/QB]
Originally posted by Aaron Porter:
You've learned how to use your hammer over the years. It took a while but now you can even hammer a screw in with it too.
Open Source leads to Open Mind
Originally posted by Mourouganandame Arunachalam:
IMO, why invent the wheel again? Something is already there which is stable, proven and tested & validated by a team of dedicated professionals on-behalf of others.
Originally posted by Aaron Porter:
For what it's worth, Stripes is the first web app framework I've come across that I like since starting servlet programming in '97.
Originally posted by Pat Farrell:
I looked at Enterprise Java Beans and J2EE and hated it. There is a book describing why others hate it as well: Better, Faster, Lighter Java as mentioned upthread.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
You do realize that the EJBs and j2ee you hate everyone has already given up on.
We've been trying to help you with essay long posts and all you keep saying is that we aren't helping. How about a little gratitude for at least trying?
Struts failed at that point completely.
and everything has to be ajax these days
so you do editing and validation in both javascript and then again in the servlet/beans.
So while the Scripts @validation stuff helps, from what I see, it aims to help a lot in a pure java form space, and not as much in a AJAX space, where the errors are not "normal" but are rather either errors in the Javascript (which is likely) or evidence of malicous pseudo-browsers.
No, I did not know that, and the Ranch still have a J2EE section.
I get calls from headhunters, at least one a month, offering me big jobs using J2Ee and EJBs and wanting experience. And I just run away.
But no one answered my question on where the magic....comes from
or whether a framework handles the login/redirect stuff.
I see from reading the Stripes book fragments that it uses DAO classes. Not enough is in the book to see if I have to use DAO classes
I've been writing what is now called ORM mapping layers for 20 years, and so far, I haven't found a DOA that saves any time. Hibernate looks close, as it aims low and is light.
Let alone provide any guidance as to which ones to randomly start with in the investigation.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:If you code to buzz then sure, but really, not everything has to be AJAX.
or whether a framework handles the login/redirect stuff.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
I don't know an MVC framework that handles this without some manual coding either within the framework itself via a plugin or configuring the container to handle it. This is generally something that needs to be fairly customized per project, in my experience. Different clients want different things to happen when it comes to logins and redirects.
Originally posted by Pat Farrell:
I wouldn't be asking, seriously, if I was not sharing Bear's observation that the old way is not wonderful.
Well, due to the encouragement of the smart folks here, I'm trying stripes. But all is not joy and happiness.
I'm using Netbeans 6.1 and its embedded Tomcat 6.0
But I'm getting a 404 on the kickoff page:
I've grabbed assorted changes to the web.xml and index.jsp as described in the Stripes Quick Start Guide. But I guess I clobbered more than I should have and don't see any credible breadcrumbs to help find what is broken.
Don't get me started about those stupid light bulbs. |