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Copying a sheet from an excel file to another excel file using Apache POI

Ranch Hand
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I hava a requirement to copy from an excel file to another excel file where i need to copy an excel files sheet to another excel sheet. i'm able to achieve this using cell-to-cell copying but its consuming time. Is there any way to copy directly from sheet to sheet?
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No, POI does not have such convenience methods.

Note that -if you end up writing code that copies a complete sheet, including the cell styles- this would make a good addition to POI, so you might think about donating that code to the project (or at least posting it here so that people can find it).
Srikanth Kumar
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Thanks for reply Ulf.
I have taken your word into consideration and tried to implement that. somehow i could able to achieve this(copying sheet-to-sheet). However it works with sheets that contains integers and decimals. If any cell contains varchar then its replacing it with #VALUE!. And while opening the merged file i'm getting an alert "File error: data may have been lost."

I'm posting the classes involved in this.

Here, book1 contains 1 sheet with integers and decimals and book2 contains varchar. i need create a merged file with two tabs numbers and varchars.

Anybody help on this.
Thanks in advance.
[ October 23, 2008: Message edited by: Martijn Verburg ]
Ulf Dittmer
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I'm surprised it works like that at all (well, it seems it doesn't :-). I would have thought that one would need to create cells, cell contents and cell styles for each cell in each sheet. That's what I suggested.
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Hi Srikanth,

Thanks for changing the display name, much appreciated! I just thought I'd point out a handy tip for you since you are new to Javaranch. You can UseCodeTags to make your code examples stand out more. I've done this for you in this instance.

Happy questioning!
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For work with excel files advise use-Excel file error: data may have been lost,because as far as i know tool is freeware,it save important information,such as graphics,statistic and mathematics,program will help you to recover valuable information and avoid its losses,tool scans your broken worksheet,then gets the data from this document,will help you to repair damaged files in Microsoft Excel sheet recognizable format,repair file Excel this file is not in a recognizable format, Excel showing this file does not in a recognizable format, or Microsoft Excel worksheet this file is not in a recognizeable format, it is an Excel file error: data may have been lost: Microsoft
Excel impossible read file,tool performs a scan of your corrupt excel files not recognizable format and attempts to recover all available data.
Ulf Dittmer
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In the interest of full disclosure it should be noted that Alex Krenvalk seems somehow involved with the commercial tool he recommends.
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Hope this code can help you in copying the sheets.
Copy Sheets
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Thanks 4 all replays in the topic. (Personally to Srikanth Kumar and Sivaraman Lakshmanan)
I modify a bit code posted by Sivaraman Lakshmanan. Now it supports copying cellstyles.

I hope it will be helpful for somebody ;)
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I found this old thread via Google and I am happy that the code posted by Evgeniy Bulanov works well.
But I modified the code a little bit to get rid of the deprecated classes and methods and changed the raw-types to generic-types. Now there are no warnings left and still it works fine!

The "Add a way to copy sheets"-feature ist still on the Todo List of the Apache POI project, may we send them our code as a proposition?
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I'm sure they welcome code contributions.
Evgeniy Bulanov
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Hi Ph. Loep,
I am very glad that my code was helpful for you. Thank you for code contributions ;)
Srikanth Kumar
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Thanks a lot for all your replies.
Martijn Verburg
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And welcome to Javaranch Ph. Loep!
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Hi all

I would like to copy a sheet as well, and I have done this with 1 VBA line, can it really be true that I need 100+ lines of JAVA to do this

Here is my VBA line:
Workbooks("source.xls").Sheets(1).Move Before:=Workbooks("Destination.xls").Sheets(2)

both files must be open, so that makes it 3 lines of code...
I started out using JACOB, but I could not understand the dispatch syntax, so I started looking at POI, so can any of you convert this single line of code, into POI, or JACOB?
the good thing about the VBA code, is that it takes everything including graphs...

Jesper Johnsen
Martijn Verburg
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Hi Jesper and welcome to Javaranch!

It does seem strange that so much code is needed in the POI library - hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I can come up with an answer!
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Hi Ph. Loep

when you change the deprecated method you forget that CellRangeAddress does not implement Comparable so the method isNewMergedRegion does not work...
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As Amanda Jones pointed out, there is a problem. I spent some time this morning to fix some of it.

Maybe it's not pretty, but it's doing the job.

Plus you have to change this part in the copyRow method. CellRangeAddress constructor is called with the wrong arguments

Ps: It fixes some issues, but not all of them.
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Hi all,

I spent some days trying to get have something working fine, thanks to all your post. Here is what I've done :


I created a wrapper for the CellRangeAddress class that implements Comparable. This allows the set to work.

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Hello Ernesto,
Thank you very much for your code. I was able to copy one sheet to another. Do you know however how to preserve sheet aspect ?
my src sheet has 35% zoom and perfectly fits on an A4 page. Once copied into the new workbook it does not fit (zoom, print margins, row breaks all change)

Thanks for your help
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i 'm getting this error when i copy a sheet from workbook (XSSF) to another workbook using poi3.7 and this util class.

error :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cell index must be >= 0

Please any Help.

How to copy XSSF Sheet from workbook to another.

thanks in advance.
omar kamil
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Any update on this issue.

Please Help.

Thanks in advance.
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While setting something like color for a whole row by pressing on the row number,
the "firstCellNum" is -1.

I have changed line 70 on class Util from:
for (int j = srcRow.getFirstCellNum(); j <= srcRow.getLastCellNum(); j++) {

int j = srcRow.getFirstCellNum();
for (; j <= srcRow.getLastCellNum(); j++) {

and the problem stoped.
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I found also another improvement to the code: if you copy rows in a different row number merged regions are still copied to the original row numbers.

I modified slightly the code adding "deltaRows"
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There is some problems with the solution.

The Excel sheet render is with order;

when sheet1 finished rendering the sheet2 rendering is just started;
if sheet1 has a formula with relevance to sheet2. the formula will be #REF!

We need some extra code to refresh the formula when the whole excel is finished rendering
Here, I give a solution

We need a POJO to store the formula information,
like: sheet name , row index, cell index and the formula
and then
when we copy a cell to another sheet cell
if the cell type is HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA
we need to add the cell information to a collection as you like (of course you need to create a collection in the class)
OK~ excuse my poor English

I give the solution in the following

1. we need a POJO to save the formula infomation
I create a private inner static class named FormulaInfo

2. create a formulaInfo Collection in the class

3. in copyCell(), when you detected the cell is a FormulaType m you need to add informatiton to the formulaInfoList

4. after create the whole WorkBook, we need to refresh the formula

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I use your work to copy sheets. Thanks for that.
I have improved it a little. I hope it will help you.

I need a metho to copy print title.
This method is a little handmade, but I don't find a better way to do that:

Then I need a method to copy print settings:

In fact my need was to merge 5 identicals sheet into one. The 5 sheet have the same style, only data were different.
The method to find existing cellstyle doesn't work for me so I create a method to compare cellstyle.
So I use a List<CellStyle> instead of Map<Integer, HSSFCellStyle> styleMap.

The method to clone cell style, clone all the time the Font. It was a problem for me.
So I made my one way to clone cell style. I put it in method to copy cell:

The last method I need was to copy pictures. It was not possible to make the same code for Excel 2003 and Excel 2007.

I change the rest of the code to remove HSSF to have a unique way to copy Excel 2003 and Excel 2007.
I don't put it to avoid to have very long post.
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Hi all,
Thank you very much for this method, I make a translation to C#, is there any one interested so I will post it here?
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Can you please post c# equivalent of this. I will really appreciate

Chinh Nguyen Van
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Below is C# version for CopySheet, all credit given to above member, I just merge them all together
harry dawson
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Thanks Chinh and above members
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*******Sample Client Code for Util class which copies multiple sheets from different XLS files and create a single XLS file with the all the sheets in it.******

I just added client code to invoke the Util.class

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Thanks a lot members, the above code I have modified in general way to support XLS and XLSX excel format.

But after the copy process (one XLSX to another XLSX), when I open the newly created XLSX file it is giving me the error "Removed Records: Merge cells from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part"

I'm using POI 3.11 lib jars set

public static void copySheets(Sheet newSheet, Sheet sheet, boolean copyStyle) {
int maxColumnNum = 0;
Map<Integer, CellStyle> styleMap = (copyStyle) ? new HashMap<Integer, CellStyle>() : null;
for (int i = sheet.getFirstRowNum(); i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
Row srcRow = sheet.getRow(i);
Row destRow = newSheet.createRow(i);
if (srcRow != null) {
copyRow(sheet, newSheet, srcRow, destRow, styleMap);
if (srcRow.getLastCellNum() > maxColumnNum) {
maxColumnNum = srcRow.getLastCellNum();
for (int i = 0; i <= maxColumnNum; i++) {
newSheet.setColumnWidth(i, sheet.getColumnWidth(i));

public static void copyRow(Sheet srcSheet, Sheet destSheet, Row srcRow, Row destRow, Map<Integer, CellStyle> styleMap) {
// manage a list of merged zone in order to not insert two times a merged zone
Set<CellRangeAddressWrapper> mergedRegions = new TreeSet<CellRangeAddressWrapper>();
// pour chaque row
int j = srcRow.getFirstCellNum();
if (j < 0) {j = 0;}
for (; j <= srcRow.getLastCellNum(); j++) {
Cell oldCell = srcRow.getCell(j); // ancienne cell
Cell newCell = destRow.getCell(j); // new cell
if (oldCell != null) {
if (newCell == null) {
newCell = destRow.createCell(j);
// copy chaque cell
copyCell(oldCell, newCell, styleMap);
// copy les informations de fusion entre les cellules
//System.out.println("row num: " + srcRow.getRowNum() + " , col: " + (short)oldCell.getColumnIndex());
CellRangeAddress mergedRegion = getMergedRegion(srcSheet, srcRow.getRowNum(), (short) oldCell.getColumnIndex());

if (mergedRegion != null) {
//System.out.println("Selected merged region: " + mergedRegion.toString());
CellRangeAddress newMergedRegion = new CellRangeAddress(mergedRegion.getFirstRow(), mergedRegion.getLastRow(), mergedRegion.getFirstColumn(), mergedRegion.getLastColumn());
//System.out.println("New merged region: " + newMergedRegion.toString());
CellRangeAddressWrapper wrapper = new CellRangeAddressWrapper(newMergedRegion);
if (isNewMergedRegion(wrapper, mergedRegions)) {

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thank you Nicolas Dupont, Sartner huang, Ernesto Esteban

all the end result is:

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First at all, it's a very nive work, thanks to all!
I tested oleksii ka's version, and here is my feedback.

Line 169

should be replaced by

Otherwise height inherited from fonts will always be overwriten with default row height.
So fonts higher than the default row height, will be truncated.

Line 465 to 494
The compare operators need to be '!=' instead of '=='.
Otherwise a lot of duplicate CellStyles will be created.

Line 474
Strings need to be compared by "equals" operator.

And some improvements I made:
I used this code to copy a sheet to another workbook and not to convert a HSSFWorkbook to a XSSFWorkbook.
If you don't want styles already existing in the target workbook to be duplicated, you have to initialize styleMap2 in line 134 with the target workbooks styles
Use somthing like the following:

I copied a XSSFSheet to the XSSFWorkbook and not a HSSFSheet.
If you do so, colors are a problem. HSSF uses a limited amount of indexed colors, and XSSF supports rgb colors.
In order to copy this colors you need to change some code parts.
Here an example for the background color of cells (line 356/357 in the original code)
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Anybody please help me to copy xlsx file from a xlsx..
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Thanks everyone for code!
Here is my tip for copying excel:
It's much faster to use sheet.getMergedRegions() instead of iterating sheet.getMergedRegion(i).
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Hello everyone! As you may notice, some of the methods are deprecated.
In order to help: here's the fixes (use ctrl+f to find this strings)









I commented this one

At least it should compile after that. Ah, also some javadocs were wrong, but you can fix them or delete'em

I hope this can be useful

Thanks for developing  
Capitan Empanada
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Hi Everyone! It's me again.

I modified the class so you can copy one XSSL sheet into another (which was what I was trying to achieve). It works!!!

Thanks for all your contribution and, also, it's very motivating to read this open source community
As I can't consolidate the whole class bc of limit chars(with xssl to xssl), here's the methods you should add (do not erase HSSF functions). Also I added a main function (in case you're very lost)

Thanks everyone, hope this helps
vandrouny Belarus
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Hi everyone! Thanks for this util. I've modified it, improved and refactored. Now it's more faster and works both with HSSF and XSSF. Enjoy!

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