posted 16 years ago
We have a situation that JMS messages should be processed in the same serial order as it arrives in the Queue. We are using MDB running on Weblogic 9 cluster (3 servers). Our JMS Queue is actually a foreign server (JMS Bridge) listening to a Tibco server. My question is even if we set the max count of bean in pool at 1, won�t there be possibility of 3 beans getting processed simultaneously (which opens a risk of younger message overtaking the older message).
I would like to know
1.Is there any way to make MDB singleton in cluster environment i.e. preserving the serial order in which messages appeared in Weblogic Queue.
2.Is there any way to make TIBCO fire JMS message to only one server so only one MDB will be executed?
[ September 02, 2008: Message edited by: Sandeep Ghosh ]