every one have an Idea, but I know that when exist better
j2ee framework than spring , you must learn it and replace it isted of spring.
in my Idea
struts is better than spring because of its Architecture and validation is more powerful than spring,struts,....
I 'm a
java architecture and deploy several project with struts, but when I accustom with shine framework and deploy several sample project with it, I understand that I find my favorite j2ee framework.but in that time I can not deploy my project with it(because of it have more risk).
but after learning shine an get a medium project that deployed by shine framework,than shine's support team, I decided to deploy a normal project with shine for myself.
when I deploy it,I was very happy and enjoy than my result.It had given me this ability that to deploy my project very strong and simpl than struts.
when I find a powerful j2ee framework that is better than my framework(struts), I decide to use it(shine framework) insted of struts.
I think when someone have two chooses between the better and the best, it is more reasonable to choose
I have some evidence for this claim that shine framework is better:
shine is a service oriented framework.
shine have an special library for working with Ajax powerful and easy.
shine framework support MVC Architecture,but shine have special Architecture for himself to name JWMS(java web model service). Jwms is a complex than MVC Architecture and JWMS`s special Architecture for deployin web application in service level.
shine framework is a complex than other J2EE framework`s abilitys + shine`s very powerful abilitys. in shine framework,developers can use other j2ee framework`s source code after shine`s service(it mean they can use these codes in tags).
shine framework, rid developers than work with several response page,by him service oriented Architecture. in shine framework, we have services and in any service you have several tags,that any tags is as a response page. this ability of shine framework will interest for those developers that deploy big application with many response pages.
and the best point about shine is: DESPITE of shine framework is very powerful framework,shine`s usage is very simple.
[ December 18, 2008: Message edited by: leo fisher ]