I have posted similar problem on
JBOss forum, but no responses so far.
JBoss 4.2.3 GA
Attempt to override @WebServiceRef WSDL location form ejb-jar.xml using tag <wsdl-file> fails.
When there is no @WebServiceRef set in code (
Ejb 3 bean class), <service-ref> seems to be ignored (object I am attempting to inject remains NULL), but when there is @WebServiceRef in EJB bean class, errors in setting of <service-ref> are reported (when being invalid), so it seems it is not completely ignored (at least kind of validation works).
However, WSDL change introduced with <wsdl-file> is ignored.
Is this feature functional in mentioned version of JBOss? Is there workaround?
What is most common way to set WSDL location?
I guess hard coded WSDL address set in @WebServiceRef make sense only in development, but that no one using it in production.