What I meant was, that suppose a sender and receiver are two different, but JMS-compliant implementations.
They are compatible with each other only on the interfaces level - both use JMS, and one send and the other receives messages.
So, the producer will send a, say, TextMessage, and the bytes that traverse the network are in a specific format, specific to this implementation.
The receiver, being a different vendor implementation, may use a completely different implementation class for TextMessage, and also there may be many differences on the network level - I mean, the bytes that constitute the TextMessage for the sender may mean nothing but garbage to the receiver.
Originally posted by Raf Szczypiorski:
The question is: are JMS implementations able to communicate in this way, or both host A (producer) and host B (consumer) would have to use the same JMS implementation, say both running Glassfish, so that the marshalling and unmarshalling are compatible?
“Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein
What I was asking about (and failed to be specific enough) is that A is using one JMS server to produce messages, and B is using another (different) server to consume them.
If I code a Session EJB and deploy it to Glassfish. And I want to send a message to another Session EJB which is deployed on Websphere. This is fine. What do I need?
I need the client API for Websphere's MQ Series and the name of the message queue which is set up in Websphere. I code the Session EJB in Glassfish to use the JMS API to send a TextMessage to the message queue in Websphere.
A provider must be prepared to accept, from a client, a message whose
implementation is not one of its own. A message with a �foreign�
implementation may not be handled as efficiently as a provider �s own
implementation; however, it must be handled.
Does this mean that I can send a message to Websphere with Glassfish, and it will just work?
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