Originally posted by kumar kosaraju:
Hi Guys,
I have a doubt in updating the table based on row id.
I have a table which doen't have any constaints( no primary key).my requirement is in the input screen in jsp we will provide the textbox to user, he enters some kit number. then i am displaying all the rows with that kit number in the next sreen. and also making the kit as button in the grid, my question is how do we update only clicked kit based on row id. how do we send this row id to the db.
any help is greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by Paul Campbell:
A rowid is a pseudo-column that represents a row's physical location in a table (that is an important thing to remember). Since it does represent a row's physical location in table... this location can change when a row is inserted or deleted prior to your row. You should not use rowid to update your table unless you know it is not possible to insert/delete rows from the table while it is in use. A rowid, even though it is a unique key, it shouldn't be used as your table's primary key.
It is however, the fastest way to select (read) a row from your table in a query.
You should be using the same keys that you use to uniquely identify the row in your update.
Originally posted by kumar kosaraju:
Thaks for the reply
paul; but what i wanted to do is get the rowid when i am ready to update, and get the correponding existing record and update the record. my question is how do we tell the db which row id we are about to update ?
hope it is clear ?
Originally posted by Paul Campbell:
Is your concern that you are updating a table with no natural primary key and do not feel a row can be uniquely identified for an update?
[ December 19, 2008: Message edited by: Paul Campbell ]
Originally posted by kumar kosaraju:
Thankyou so much for your clarification. i want to do the same thing as you suggested, with 2 queries.
my requirement is i have a some kit number in db, with multiple records for the kitnumber. in the user enters the kitnumber then we will display all the rows for that kitnumber.
what i am doing now is getting all the rows for that kit number and displaying them in a grid. below each row i am also printitng the existing values in the textbox (for each row in the grid i am displaying text boxes with the existing values) so the user can updated any of the textboxes provided below each row and hiot update we hae to update the db with new values. i am done with 50%. i am able to pull all the rows based on user input and displying the data in the text boxes. my concern is how to retrive the values from text boxes and how do we tell the db about these values how do we send the rowid to db..
i know it might be confusing.. hope you understand it clearly...
Originally posted by Paul Campbell:
select rowid, column1, column2, ...
then for your update use rowid = your stored rowid in the where clause.
update table
set column1 = var1
where rowid = myrowID;
If this doesn't make sense or you have questions... I'm snowed in today... so I'll be checking back fairly often.
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