===>SCJP 1.5(72%)<===
the join method has no parameter??
I said that class B is tightly encapsulated.
Boolean[ ] b1 = new Boolean[10];
boolean[ ] b2 = new boolean[10];
They were both declared and accessed in exacty the same way...
Here they say that there is a compiler error because x is not initialised.I'm not too sure about this one...
Doesn't there need to be a public class matching the name of the java file?
But doesn't protected allow a subclass to access the protected member??
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Reg 1st question: How can this be when the join method has no parameter??
Thanks,<br />Srilatha M
How can this be when the join method has no parameter??
public final void join() throws InterruptedException {
If your class has a final field, it must be initialized before or in the last statement of every constructor (if a constructor calls another constructor then that constructor doesn't need and in fact cannot initialize it).
===>SCJP 1.5(72%)<===
Why to worry about things in which we dont have control, Why to worry about things in which we have control ! !
SCJP 6 | SCWCD 5 | Javaranch SCJP FAQ | SCWCD Links
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