Hi All,
Thank you so much for the all compliments,I am really feeling more happy now after seeing the replies from you guy's.
1.Well read any one good book best is HFSJ because all the books tries to convey same information but in different way try to understand the concept than mugging,
so this should not be a problem. I read HFSJ 1.4 and gave SCWCD 1.5
2.After reading the concept for the day,write it down in your own words in points,this will be very use full for last day revision
3. once read and documented and understood,convert your understanding in to code.try to play around with the code in as many ways as you can think of to get real time
experience of your understanding; now you well get to know any gaps in your understanding and actual behavior.
4. only after doing this start with free online mock exams. after completing each exam read the correct and wrong once both.if you are not clear with some thing post it
here and discuss it and only then move to next exam.
5. Once you are done with all the free online mocks purchase Enthuware Very usefull and close to real exam. repeat the step 4 here for each exam dont be in a hurry
to complete the exams. Dont keep on giving the exams continuesly try to revise the points and reread the concept you are not clear after each
Scores on the Enthuware and real exams remained almost same for me.
6. Try to show progress in the scoring for each test and try to maintain the consistency.Even after this while giving the exam remain calm,relaxed and focused otherwise scoring will definitely go down even after following all the above points.
7.To purchase Enthuware from india you can go to this URL
webpage and follow the steps given.
Hope this helps,You need to have patiences and give sufficient time for your self; try to enjoy the work than pushing your self.This steps are from my own experience
and understanding they may be very lengthy and pain full but very use full in preparation