Consider the following two entities...
@Entity public class Student{
Collection<Presentation> presentations;
@Entity public class Presentation{
... // there is no reference to Student
Which of the following statements is true, when the two entities are mapped to database tables Student and Presentation?
1) A foreign key column will be created in Student table refering to the primary key of Presentation.
2) A foreign key column will be created in Presentation table refering to the primary key of Student.
3) A foreign key column will be created in both the tables refering to each other's primary keys.
4) A join table will be created.
explanation-Note that this is a Unidirectional One-To-Many relationship. Here, a join table is created. It has two foreign key columns. The first column refers to the primary key of the "one" side and the second column refers to the primary key of the "many" side. The second column also has a unique constraint on it. For example,: STUDENT_ID , PRESENTATION_ID
Join table is not used in bi-directional One-to-many relationship.
the correct asnwer given is 4.
But according to me the correct asnwer should be 1.
As i have already read in
EJB 3 in Action, the join table's are only possible in case of manytomany relationship.