The followings are what I have used:
1. The followings are the books I have studied:
a. Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE� Technology Study Guide - Mark Cade and Simon Roberts(for Part 1)
b. Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java�EE Study Guide - Paul Allen and Joseph Bambara (for Part 1)
c. EJB3 in Action (for Part 1)
d. Core J2EE�
Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition - Deepak Alur, John Crupi, Dan Malks (for Part 1)
I have read them thoroughly and practise with the
test engine from the Paul Allen book.
2. For Part 2, in addition to the books I have mentioned:
a. UML Distilled
b. UML User Guide
c. STRUTS2 User Guide
d. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition) - Craig Larman (gives you a good idea between domain and class diagram)
J2EE Design Patterns Applied - Matjaz Juric, Nadia Nashi, Craig Berry, Meeraj Kunnumpurath, John Carnell, Sasha Romanosky
"EJB3 In Action" is a very important book for my design for Part2. Read the requirements of the assignment carefully and apply what being learnt from the book to the design. "J2EE Design Patterns Applied" provide good insight in helping you to make design pattern decisions. Some patterns maybe outdated due to EJB3. Hence, from EJB3 In Action, you can deduce which one and modify accordingly.
3. For the tool doing Part 2, I use the free BoUML.
Hope the above is helpful.
Thank you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!