Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
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Udayan Naik<BR>Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
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Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
Matthew Phillips
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.