Hi Mark, Thank you for the reply.
I have the following requirements:
1) When the user opens the Login page for the first time the Checkbox will be unchecked.
2) Once the user has checked the “RememberMe” Checkbox it will remain checked till the time user unchecks it. Even if the user opens a new browser it will remain checked.
3) If the “RememberMe” Checkbox is checked, Next time when user opens the Login page the text boxes will be filled by the correct Username and the Password that user has entered earlier. Even if the user closes the current window and opens a new one the credentials can be seen filled there.
4) If the user unchecks the “RememberMe” Checkbox the credentials will be no longer can be seen filled there.
5) If the user enters wrong credentials then that will not be remembered.
6) If the user after successful login closes the browser without logging out from the “mainMenu.jsp”, Next time when the user opens the login page he does not need to login again, in fact will be logged in automatically.
This application is already built by using Appfuse. Its not like i have written all this javascript code. I have just made some additions into that.
I just do not understand why the username and password cookies are getting deleted after some time say approx one hour. And the strange part is that the checkbox cookies is not deleted. Although the life is set to 30 days.
And only using the filter will not fullfill all these requirements.