Which of the following statements are true?
Choose at least one answer.
A. To be able to directly access a
servlet the servlet-name must have a matching servlet-mapping Correct
B. The init-param tag may contain
java code between its opening and closing brackets Incorrect
C. The welcome-file tag can mark a servlet as the default item that is returned from a url Correct
D. The welcome-file tag must point to a servlet called welcome Incorrect
E. The error-page tag must point to an html or
JSP page, not a servlet Incorrect
According to me: A
Which of the following statements are true?
Choose at least one answer.
A. HttpServletResponseWrapper takes a constructor parameter of type HttpServletResponse Correct
B. Filters are called in the order they appear in the deployment descriptor Correct
C. Methods of the wrapper classes must not be overridden Incorrect
D. Filters are an example of the Intercepting Filter design patttern Correct
E. Filters can only be invoked on incoming requests, and not on a dispatcher forward or include Incorrect
According to me: A, D
I got zero mark for thses options in result. I am missing some option.
Can anybody help me find the correct options with reason.