refering to page 493, chapter 9 JSTL, and question no 9
Which <body-content>element cobinations is the TLD are valid for the following
JSP snippet?
<my:tag2 a="47"/>
<% a=420 %>
(choose all that apply) from the given options:-
A. tag1 body-content is empty
tag2 body-content is JSP
tag3 body-content is scriptless
B. tag1 body-content is JSP
tag2 body-content is empty
tag3 body-content is scriptless
C.tag1 body-content is JSP
tag2 body-content is JSP
tag3 body-content is JSP
D. tag1 body-content is scriptless
tag2 body-content is JSP
tag3 body-content is JSP
E. tag1 body-content is JSP
tag2 body-content is scriptless
tag3 body-content is scriptless
Given answers are: B, C, E
My doubt is if any tag is already declared to be without body in the TLD file , so how can other options work in this case as sciptless OR JSP. <body-content> empty means tage is not allowed to have body of any kind... if a tag cannot allowed to get body then how would we put body which is either JSP or scripless
Please help me