Gopu Akraju wrote:
How to construct my sql statement such as it is equivalent to "select * from test_config where num = num6-HI-R0023" Please let me know as this is bit tricky for me.
How good you're in
Regular Expression (RE), As I suggest above, Have you tried to use 'LIKE' keyword in WHERE clause..
I ll help you in creating an RE string first,
RE = "num6-" (U have it )
[a-zA-Z](2) (read, as any alphbet, 2 times)
"-ROO" (I hope this "ROO" is common)
"23" (U have it )
Once you have RE, put that in 'LIKE' clause (Use the link I provided for 'LIKE' syntax).
Sorry, for not providing an answer directly, I want you you to try and enjoy it !!