I can't seem to get
Struts 2 validations to work. I have been converting from Strust 1 to Struts 2. So far I've refactored all the code (for this particular module) on the back end, rewrote the
jsp using Struts 2 notations, and wired up the xml (aside from the abc-validation.xml). Everything runs just fine. If there is an error not generated by user input (i.e. file format problem) I can get that message to come out, so I know my error messages work. I try to add the abc-validation.xml for my abc class, but the validations never catch. The input field types I'm using are of select (x3) and file(x1). The selects all use numbers (default 0), and the file is just a file path (default blank). I set my validation.xml (below) to have a min of 1 for the selects, and required for the file field. So when I hit submit I expect something to come back with out hitting my action class, but it doesn't. My action does extend ActionSupport and implements RequestAware. Can anyone point me in the right direction?