I was deleting postings older than 10 days in the Assignment Log thread and I deleted our duscussion on :- what jytsika means So I'm posting it here again j = Jughead Jones y = ?? t = Tom Sawyer s = ?? ika = standard "append" you use
[This message has been edited by Johannes de Jong (edited September 27, 2001).]
Dear Jdj, Y = Huck'y' Finn ts = Tom Sawyer Do you know what? Its the kids who love this unique 'jytsika' name most. They simply love the sound this name creates. My 2 year old cousin chides my parents when they use my old name jytsika
So how do you pronounce it? Does the first syllable rhyme with "hit" or "height"? Do you push the s into the first syallable or leave it in the second? Great name, I just want to get it right. Paul R