I am using maven to run my test cases .test cases are mostly related to I/O operation.I am frequently running out of heap space .
how can I set -Xms256m -Xmx1024m for maven?
thanks in advance.
did you use the eclipse maven plugin to do maven build ? I used to get the same when i used eclipse maven plugin.... but outside eclipse, it was fine...
Assume you are running from the command line, Maven is run via the mvn (or mvn.bat) script in m2_home/bin. You edit that file, modifying the Java run command. Or you can add a MAVEN_OPTS=xxx line early in that file. Or you could even set the MAVEN_OPTS env var before running maven.
Also, set _JAVA_LOADER_DEBUG (you can set it to anything). This will cause the JVM to dump some startup information, including the JVM options it was given. This should help determine if the heap size is being set.