Hi All
Today I have passed SCBCD for
Java EE 5.0 with a score of 93%. Though i am not a very active memeber of this forum, i find this forum discussion were quite useful.
I would like share some of my personal experience in passing the exam.
I started preparing for
EJB 3.0 in May 2008. This time frame is too long.
Since i do not have any real-time project in EJB 2.1, i found it very hard to understand the
concepts of EJB 3.0. So, i started reading EJB 2.1 specfication in detail. Later i went for EJB 3 in Action following
EJB specifications core, persistence and simplified. It took me 3 months to understand and learn EJB3.0. From my personal
experience, EJB spec is the all-in-one that we have to read. It is just enough that you read the spec again and again and
and make sure you understood the concepts. No other material is needed. For last minute preparation, you will find very hard
in revising the spec, to overcome this start preparing the your own version of the spec,extracting the core concepts that
you have to memorize , while reading the sun spec(core, persistence and simpified).
Searching for mock exams , [ILLEGALLY COPIED MATERIAL] question paper is a mere waste of time and energy.
It is not just passing the exam, it is matter of fact how much we cover the topics.
We will never come again and read the topics in-depth, after passing the exam. This is one time chance, to gain knowledge.
Just concentrate on chapter 2-11 and chapter that explain migraation from EJB2.1 to EJB3.0 ijn EJB 3 in Action.
Mastering EJB 3.0 is a very good book, however it doesn't look good from exam point-of-view.
Make sure to have some hands-on before taking up the real exam.
If you have a real-time project experience, you would find easy passing the exam with a good score.
I hope the above is usefull.