Hello everyone. I have started preparing for SCBCD 5.0. I am currently reading the following books :-
EJB 3 in action-By Debu Panda, Reza Rahman, Derek Lane.- 2007 edition.
2)Mastering EJB 3.0-Rima Patel Sriganesh,Gerald Brose, Micah Silverman-2006 edition.
-Kindly suggest other books for SCBCD 5.0 preparation. Do let me know if i am referring to the incorrect books.
-Do i have to practice using
JBOSS? Or can i use other softwares. If yes, which one would you recommend to be the best from exam point of view?
-Any other supporting softwares that you think i would require or which would benefit the exam preparation?
-Please let me know how i must proceed in my preparation as in which books must be read first to provide a stronger foundation from the exam perspective.
Thanking everyone in advance.
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Ryan Sukale