I am trying to have 6 Combo Boxes for Date/Time(date, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds) using IBM Rational Software Architect.
I have each combo box's value bond to a bean with GregorianCalendar : #{stockData.stock.intakedt.time.date}. However, I kept receiving "Error testing property 'date' in bean of type null".
Are you using a visual editor or so? I highly recommend you to stop with that until you understand the autogenerated code and are able to write it yourself without help of the visual editor.
intakedt.getTime() should never return null. That's all. In the bean class behind 'intekedt' you need to instantiate the 'time' property. You can do it in the constructor or already in the instance variable declaration.
Er, another problem although the previous one is solved.
With the 6 combo boxes, and
"public StockData(){
getStock().getIntakedt().setTime(new Date());
in the bean, the page is still not able to do database calls, or maybe even accessing the code behind the button(I'm using JPA).
Am I doing something wrong?
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