SCJP 5.0 and now fighting with ExtJS
Brahmani Ganduri wrote:Hi
For my web pages development using struts, I have an issue. We get the a list of 600 data from the database which is to be loaded in the application each time we call it. This is how it goes now.
But is there a way that the entire data can be loaded in the application at once and use the data wherever needed.
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
Brahmani Ganduri wrote:I guess, I was not clear with my post. Let me be clear.
I am using a list of 600 cities for my index page. In my index page, there is a text box which works as an auto suggester with the 600 cities. Is there a way I can load the list of 600 cities (which i am getting from db)
JUST ONE TIME, into my jsps for the entire application. This will increase the performance of my index page.
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
Swastik Dey wrote:Do you mean that once the data is loaded and after that if the page is refreshed it wont reload the data again?
David Newton wrote:Or put the list in application scope on startup.
Bear Bibeault wrote:A context listener and application scope will work fine. If that's "not working" for you, you are doing it wrong.
Using Ajax for something like this would be ridiculous.
Brahmani Ganduri wrote:Application scope was not working.
I knew that guy would be trouble! Thanks tiny ad!
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