posted 16 years ago
im sry let me clarify wat i mean. first i cannot attach the file i need to read because it is a .dat file. So my professor has given me a file called Employee.dat and i need to read it. I need to be able to read the file so the following is defined:
EmployeeID - 3 bytes ASCII
Employee/Contractor Indicator - 1 byte ASCII 'E' for employee, 'C' for contractor
Department Code - 1 byte ASCII
First Name - 20 bytes ASCII blank padded
Last Name - 15 bytes ASCII blank padded
Salary - float single precision
Hire Date - 1 byte binary identifies the month, 1 byte binary identifies the day, 2 bytes binary identifies the year
Vacation Days - 2 bytes signed binary
Training - 1 byte
hope i cleared this up. O and the text i showed in my first post is the departments i need to have Employee.dat inputted into it. The numbers after each department will be its corresponding department code