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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
SCJP 1.2 (89%), SCWCD 1.3 (94%), IBM 486 (90%), SCJA Beta (96%), SCEA (91% / 77%), SCEA 5 P1 (77%), SCBCD 5 (85%)
Thanks and Regards,
Aalok Mishra
InfoCepts, LLC
Open Source leads to Open Mind
Shauvik Roy Choudhary
Eric Clayberg
Software Engineering Manager
Galen Benson wrote:Can I read this book to learn plugins from square one or is there a recommended pre-reading?
Eric Clayberg
Software Engineering Manager
Peter Lorenzen wrote:Hi Eric,
thank you for above input. As far as I have seen, the Plugin Book refers to Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede).
Are there references to what kinds of things can be used or should be avoided to be "backward" compatible to 3.3 and eventually 3.2?
We're still having people using 3.2 occasionally - even though it is not recommended to mix those when working on repositories, it would
be of interest to know if the pitfalls are pointed out on regard of backward compatibility.
Thanks and regards,
Eric Clayberg
Software Engineering Manager
SCJP 5.0 (100%)<br />SCWCD (getting ready...)
Eric Clayberg wrote:The 3rd edition only deals with Eclipse 3.4 and does not explicitly cover backward compatibility although that is touched on lightly in a couple places.
Marcin Skrzek wrote:How much the book gives universal knowledge, if any? If Eclipse 3.5 or higher occurs, will most of rules, API, etc. of plugin development stay the same or there will be potentially totally different stuff to learn?
Eric Clayberg
Software Engineering Manager
Maxim Galushka
Max Galushka wrote:Does new book discover of creating custom extentions and extention points for user plugins?
Max Galushka wrote:And are there some code samples for the book to look into?
Eric Clayberg
Software Engineering Manager
Tina Coleman wrote:Does the new book go into utilizing p2 from within applications?
Eric Clayberg
Software Engineering Manager
Galen Benson wrote:I assume the 3rd edition is just as good as the second.
Eric Clayberg
Software Engineering Manager
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