We have few webservices and we are protecting it using basic authentication using LDAP. All LDAP settign has been done in websphere server using admin console.
When an invalid user tries to access this web service the websphere enabled authentication process checks the userid in LDAP. How erver on gettting error from LDAP it wraps the LDAP error in axis falut ( 401 unauthorised) and sends it to the web service client.
I need to catch the excat LDAP error. So I want to create a JAAS application login module. However to intialize loginContext I am not getting how to extract the user id and password from the web service request. ( I set the username and password in org.apache.axis.client.Call object while invoking the web service. )
Note : Instead of XXXXXXXXX I need to put userid and password extracted from web service request.
javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext lc = null;
lc = new javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext("WSLogin",XXXXXXXXX);
catch (LoginException le)
Also please let me know if someone knows how to call a webservice from the login module.
I'm not clear if you want to do this on the client or on the server? Also, how does using JAAS help with all this? For securing web services I'd use the WS-Security standard, which is supported by all major SOAP stacks.
I'm not sure if it's possible to intercept WebSphere's handling of the login process, and somehow inject JAAS into it.
If this was my problem, I'd use WS-Security, and then write code that accesses the LDAP repository in the login handler. The outlines of such a handler (minus the LDAP stuff) can be found here.
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