Hi all
We have a framework in which number of batch jobs will be created and each batch job may process a number of records.
in config file we can give maximum number of jobs (threads) and there is an interface in which we should specify the number of jobs and determine records for each job.
Now I want to know how to efficiently calculate these values.
Consider the maximum number of threads is 100 and we have 100 records I don't want the batch controller create 100 threads and assign 1 record to each. I also thought that we can give a suggested number of records for each
thread say 20, now if we have 100 records we can calculate 5 threads each with 20 records but what if we have 30 records? then according to this kind of calculation we have 2 threads one with 20 records and the other with 10 records. but I think its better to have two thread each with 15 records.
I am looking for a formula in which we can compute the number of records and number of threads in a efficient way. It would be of great help of you share your experience or suggest any document or website for this.