Well, that modification border me. I have a registration form like this :
and, by default, it's ordered simply along left side of page with frameworks margin, paddings and rest l&f, which is quite uninteresting. So I want to add my margin spacing, the outlines around fields, the pics or color as a box background.Ok, I prepare template folder and copy the templates form .jar.Done.
Now, let say I want to perform mentioned modifications on <s:textfield> tag.
I go to template/xhtml/ and open textarea.ftl.
The textare.ftl is the file which consists of -controlheader.ftl, textarea.ftl and controlfooter.ftl.
Each of these files is comprise several file inclusion, and that is about 10-15 included file to perform <s:textfield> rendering. This is the content of tempalte/simple/textare.ftl, file :
I really do not get what part of file should I change to obtain aimed look and feel
or even more, I do not know what file (since there is about 15 for this tag), to change to achieve such a things. I can not simply put each tag like this ;
where in .css I would define behavior of component...
Could you maybe show me the sample, of how should I do that modification?