It's ok, I have accomplished task... I mean I have accomplished connection from client to server, but there is a second problem.
I, as my self, am part of a bigger network, so my personal internal network is just part of my private network. In other words, I get an internet through wireless connection, with provider. That is huge internal network. Now I create my personal network, with several computers, where each computer has an access through my computer, but non of these, my private computers, are not directly on this big internal network which supply me with internet...
Now, the clients from my own network can connect to my web application when
Tomcat is deployed. Now I would like that every user of internet-providing-network, has also access to my computer- to my application.
The clients, my own, in order to utilize my application, are typing my ip address + port + application name.
I try the same, from another computer of internet-providing-network, supplying the ip address, which is assigned to me from the administrator + port+ application name. And it want.
SO I believe that problem is an access constraints, made by internet-provided-network administrator, which probably doesn't allow access to computers between users. What do you thinks?