Jean Paul Farte wrote:With my experience of JME .....
I can say we need a some sort of a console or a log file to which i can write to know...
whats happening on the device ....
otherwise I have to just guess .....!!!

Would be nice to see in Android SDK, an proxy software working with a plugin available under Eclipse or NetBeans installations.
With the Device Explorer (also available in SDK), connected with the device, we can see the memory/CPU usage, launch midlets, and another useful informations about profiling and debugging.
Also we have a console to see the messages generated by the application.
Recently I bought the C902 (Sony Ericsson) and the SDK have this.
I'm not a JME programmer right now. But I like to be aware about what's going on in this area, and I want to learn
Correct me if I'm wrong at some point.