This is the basic architecture of my web-applications. I have a dispatcher that receives requests. Each requested URL has an "action" parameter that tell the dispatcher which Action object to use for execution.
I like it very much and i think it's the "standard" way. But, i don't like that when i do some tasks like "deleteSomething", or "addSomething".... it gets executet as many time, as i hit Refresh button from the browser.
I've read Bear's article about PRG technique, but i face other problems now, like errorReporting, that i used to put into the request object. Another problem is that Action.process() method always return a Page (implemented by myself) that contains the path to o
JSP that gets forwarded. Using PRG technique i have to return from process method two kind of objects: either a path to a jsp in application, or a relative(or absolute) URL for redirecting. So, i have to check and decide: to redirect, or to forward?
Advice me please, how to implement this technique in a better way.