Developer1 creates a struts based dynamic web application
Developer2 creates another struts based dynamic web application
Environment: Struts 1.3.10 and IDE:Eclipse
How can we combine these two into One big application,each having separate Configuration files
Any complete tutorials regarding this aspect?Please
You have to configure and build a new module for second (or first, whatever you wnat to integrate) we app, To make a struts module, Have look at this and this.
I created a module named Basics and put it under my WebPages Folder
It has two files index2.jsp and myNewIndex.jsp
Index2.jsp has one form which gets submitted and action class forwards it to myNewIndex.jsp
But on running index2.jsp its showing :Cannot retrieve mapping for action /mynewAction error.
And my GlassFish server is showing the error:Missing configuration file for struts-config-moduleBasics.xml
I guess the problem is that server is loading only struts-config.xml and not the other xml and checking the action mappings in that xml file.
My configuration file:struts-config-moduleBasics.xml
Have you checked the path for your "config/Basics" struts configuration file, whether this path is correct or not ?
If yes, then checked whether that .xml is valid and well formed or not
Once you're able to configure it, you have to modify action like this
I tried all things as you said:
Checked paths,Validated XML's everything correct.
My Form tag: -->moduleBasics is the name in struts-config-moduleBasics.xml where as i define it like config/Basics in my web.xml ,Anyway I tried changing that too,But in vain
Still getting the error like:
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