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RequestDispatcher's forward method does not work.

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send

I am trying to execute following steps in my server side code:

1. I receive a request from GUI requesting for details of an entity.
2. I need these details from an external system, so I put a message on the queue of an external server asking for the details I need.
3. I registered a listener which waits for the response message on a topic.
4. I also store request, response, session and servlet objects in message listener.
5. Current thread does not send the response back to the client and ends.
6. In the onMessage() method, I verify the response and try to forward the response to the client who had requested for it using request dispatcher I get from the stored request object.

After I forward the response, the GUI never received the response back? Call to forward does not throw any exception. Am I doing something that is not allowed or expected?
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Yes, you are. Never store references to container objects. They go out of scope as soon as the request completes. You will not be able to handle the operation in the manner that you are doing.

See Ben Souther's example of "Long Running Process" on this page for a better way to deal with it.
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
It helped. Thanks.
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