I am trying to execute a tag with
JSP body content. I understand that every statements of JSP page can be ecxecuted by JSP body content.
The Jsp file has:
The tld file has;
The TagEight
java class has;
I am getting error mesage;
when i run the Jsp...
JSPG0049E: /Jsp/SimpleTagTest.jsp failed to compile : JSPG0091E: An error occurred at line: 62 in the file: /Jsp/SimpleTagTest.jspJSPG0093E: Generated servlet error from file: /Jsp/SimpleTagTest.jsp C:\Program Files\.............\Test_EAR\SampleServlet.war\Jsp\_SimpleTagTest.java:265: cannot resolve symbolsymbol : method print (int)location: class java.io.Writer out.print( scount ); ^1 error
Note:Jsp file is in Jsp folder of the Webcontent, TagTest.tld is in WEB-INF.
Why i am getting the error message even the body content is "JSP"
Can anyone of you please help me t understand this?