posted 15 years ago
Hi friends,
I created a GUI which asks the user to select a file using JFileChooser. To be precise, the user should select a *.class file. After selecting the file, the user needs to click a button which will display all the methods in the selected class file. I have no clue or whatsoever to get the file which has been chosen using JFileChooser. I know we should use reflection API to accomplish this task but my doubt is where to insert the necessary reflection api code or should we add more code to get the things done?What type of events should be created to achieve my goal?
I also post the code which I have created. It will be helpful for me, if I get some guidance from you guys...
I have deleted the menu operations to lessen the LOC here
The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it