I have a parameter in a
jsp page in a
Struts application.
I have a
JDBC data source and Data set in BIRT reports.
the SQL query is "
select Contents from user where Header = ? "
I have a ReportParameter called HeaderParameter. I have a dataset Parameter also which is linked to the ReportParameter.
When I run the application, the parameter from the jsp page should be passed to the BIRT report as the value for ? in the where clause.
I have put the parameter in the application like
request.getSession.setAttribute("a1", a1);
in the beforeOpen of the dataset, I have added the following:
var session = reportContext.getHttpServletRequest().getSession();
var myid = session.getAttribute("a[1]");
When I run the application, the parameter from the jsp page should automatically be inserted in the sql query and I want the values
to be displayed on the report.
I am not able to insert the value in the query. When I run the application, I get the Parameter page for the ReportParameter, which defeats
the idea of passing the parameter from jsp.
Can somebody help me?