I am using
JBoss AS 4.2.3 GA and JBM 1.4.3 SP3.
In my application there are MDB which are listening to the external TIBCO queues.
I have configured a JMS Provider, Connection Factory to connect to the external TIBCO queues.
Here is the conetent :
the tibco-jms-ds.xml
Now, there is a problem which I am facing :
1. I lose connection to the TIBCO queues, i.e. my MDB stops listening to the queue anytime and then I have to restart the JBoss AS to get it working.
2. There are Failover TIBCO servers, so how do I implement Failover values in my jms-ds.xml ? Is it by adding the entire URL comma separated like :
java.naming.provider.url=tibjmsnaming://XXXXX:XXXXXX,tibjmsnaming://ZZZZZZ:ZZZZZZ,tibjmsnaming://YYYYYY:YYYYY ??
3. For issue 1, I read there is a reconnect parameter which would keep reconnecting to the tibco queues if the connection is not established or broken. Where do I specify the reconnect value.
Any help on this would be appreciated. I am very new to JBM.