Now where is my MDB
Can I summarize as follows,
MDB lives in an EJB container.
MDB pulls messages from MQ.
MDB lives on same side of client who is subscriber
I was thinking this JMS system (as a subscriber) can even be used in my grandfather's PC at home.
Think about this example,
I have a client application that shows up online weather information from all cities in UK. All clients are subscribed to this topic. Even for this simple system do I need to install EJB container for all client's machines? OR do you have a better solution with JMS API?
SCJP 5 (98%) - SCBCD 5 (98%)
I am thinking MDB as a part of JMS
If I will have the MDB in subscriber side, why do not I need an EJB container there also
I was thinking this JMS system (as a subscriber) can even be used in my grandfather's PC at home
If I will have the MDB in subscriber side, why do not I need an EJB container there also?
- MDB are pooled & can process multiple messages (multi-threaded).
- JMS consume messages as SingleTheadModel (process single message at a time)
behind the scene, MDB is using JMS...
SCJP 5 (98%) - SCBCD 5 (98%)
It's correct that an EJB 3 compliant container must support JMS. But the concept of MDB is more general: A MDB has a message listener interface that defines the messaging type used by the bean. JMS is only a special messaging type here (and corresponds to the message listener interface javax.jms.MessageListener).
And in this case do we need to implement interface javax.jms.MessageListener & onMessage method?
SCJP 5 (98%) - SCBCD 5 (98%)
Oh, sure, you could do that. Or you could eat some pie. While reading this tiny ad:
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