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Having problem with inserting data into table using hibernate

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Hi guys,

I am having trouble with adding data into the database using hibernate .I have got a table 'ln_user_group' which has 2 columns 'userid,groupname'. Both these fields act as a primary key

The Hibernate mapping file is as follows

I am using netbeansIDE and it automatically generates 2 POJO's of the table 'ln_user_group'

The 2 POJO's a given below..

And the other one is

Now i understand it creates 2 pojo's for generating a unique id , but i want to know how do i add data into this table 'ln_user_group'

My code for adding data into table is as follows:

but i don't thing it will work. Can any one please tell me the write way to add data into this table
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The approach to use given auto generated classes to add record should be as follows:

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